製造業が抱える根本的な悩みは、市場を牽引する新たな製品が見当たらず、目指すもの・やりたいこと(目的 why and what)が曖昧なまま進むべき道を見つけられないこと。変種変量とか…できること(手段 how)の拡充を図るのも大切だけど、目的不在の取り組みなら立ち止まる勇気も必要…と考えます。いかがですか?
The fundamental problem facing the manufacturing industry is that we cannot find new products that will drive the market, and we cannot find a way to go while our goals (why and what) are ambiguous. Mass customization … It is important to expand what you can do (how), but if you are working without a purpose, you need the courage to stop. How is it?